Saturday 11 September 2010

Chō Aniki Bakuretsu Rantō Hen

Cho Aniki Bakuretsu Ranto Hen, meaning something like "Super Big Brother Whatever" is, unlike its predecessors, a fighting game. Developed by Masaya and published in 1995 by Nipon Computer Systems Corp. for the SNES/SuperFamicon, its the 3rd instalment of the Cho Aniki series.

About the game:
While the first two titles from the series, Cho Aniki and Ai Cho Aniki (both for the PC-Engine), were horizontal shooters, this title is a street fighter like fighting game. It takes iconic characters, often from the backgrounds, of the previous two games, and pitch them against each other in single combat. The series is renowned for it surreal feeling and homoerotic (!) graphic style. None was lost in this new instalment.
BTW, the second game, Ai Cho Aniki has one of the worst box art ever:

(Notice the holes in their foreheads? That's where they fire lasers from.)

In all honesty, the first games might just be slightly more WTF than this one, but I couldn't be arsed to look for them. But all in all, this one is just as good.

The good: it's surreal, the backgrounds, the music, the general sense of WTFness
The bad: the fights, it's a little boring
The ugly: nothing really.

It is Japanese, that says it all.
You can find it here, run it in a proper SNES emulator, like ZSNESW, and have fun!!!

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